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Fairytales and Fables

Education Within "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! And Other Stories"

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Published in 1969, "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! And Other Stories" contains three stories, all written by Dr. Seuss, "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today!”, "The Glunk That Got Thunk", and "King Looie Katz". Each story contains a silly, colorful tale that appeals to children because of its rhyming and funny nature. Hidden underneath the stories are lessons, which are about not boasting about being able to do something when in reality, you can’t (like beating up thirty tigers). Another lesson is making sure not to think that you are better than everyone else and not to let your pride get in the way. The third story is a bit more controversial in the way that it says that women shouldn’t think too much and that men are right.

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Education Within "I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! And Other Stories"